MATHS solution STD 7 ch 14 symmetry

Click here 4 maths solution symmetry STD 7 CH 14 

SYMMETRY  means mirror image....... if you see any object from the one side of the mirror the same identical image must be other side of the image that is called symmetry........
In our English alphabets some alphabets contains symmetry, in which we can include the alphabets like I, H,O, X etc.... some of them have a only 1 symmetry while some of them have more than that.............

similarly the radiation is kb when it is emitted due to transition form many lines of X ray spectrum are obtained when electrons are thrown out from different shells and are replaced by electrons from different shells. the X ray spectrum formed by such lines is called characteristic spectrum.such spectrum depends on the type of eminent, of the target as energies of electrons in different orbit,......


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