
Showing posts from February, 2020

Unit test STD 7 science solution 22 Feb 2020                                                     here solution for standard 7 science exam unit test which is taken by government of Gujarat  a great initiative taken and every Saturday unit test is taken for upper primary students of standard 5 to standard 8..........                                             on date 22 febuary in standard 7 science unit test was taken in which questions were very easy and all student were happy with that exam only 2 question was twisted from one chapter....                                           all teac...

Exam management file......

Click here for all patrak for final exam STD 3 to 8                                 our exam is coming so here i have given a exam management file......... which you can use for free..... here in this file everything about exam is given...... like seat number arrangement,.......... class distribution........... teacher supervision list.......... student detail and class distribution and all other exam related things like outer supervisor detail etc etc.......      best of luck for upcoming exams to all the teachers for their work and students for their luck

Maths STD 7 ch 10 practical geometry

Click here for solution of maths STD 7 ch 10 pratical geometry PractiCal geometry is useful for students to understand how to make use of geometry box....and how it can be used....what so ever teacher must try to make students creative for his or her perpose of making usefulness of science and technology with the help of maths teacher training can also be useful in this work..... If I try to make students learn without geometry box then I ll b unable to do it... But if I try with geometry box.... I ll be very easy maker and students will learn easily with the help of magic box....... Thus if you want me to get the latest version of this communication.... You can check me and my information on the blog ... When two line segment measurements are given so how to draw a triangle with the help of two line segment...........line segment is made from the line... line has one dimension. point has zero dimension....... when you draw construction you have to teach every s...

Maths STD 6 CH 14 practical geometry

Click here for maths solution STD 6 CH 14 practical geometry practical  geometry is geometry to draw construction...... construction in maths is not about to construct building and all this... but construction in mathematics is to construct triangle angle and quadrilateral...... with the help of divider and pencil... to construct triangle you need one and\or two sides or vise versa.... to construct quadrilateral you have three sides and \or angle........ thus you can draw construction with the help of my instruction.... while drawing construction just make feel students that they are not drawing construction but they are just drawing a new drawing. so that they can easily learn how to draw construction....... practical thing you need to teach to students... make lead sharp.. be accurate in measurement ... learn how to hold divider....... . thus draw and make them draw or construct... enjoy constructing....

Science STD 7 ch 18 story of polluted water

Click here 4 science solution of STD 7 ch 18 polluted water story pollution is any unwilling disturbance of human or any other creature to the atmosphere......... there are many types of pollution  like air pollution,  water pollution, land pollution and radio active pollution noise pollution and now a new pollution which we face now a days is light pollution.. there are many unneeded lights all over................. here in this chapter story of polluted water is given....... we must drink pure water with needed impurities...... no one can live without drinking water for long time....... so if we pollute that important source of water then it is not negligible.......... water is a basic need of human kind and all other living orgasm sources of water are river, wells, check dams and other sources... we must not pollute this sources.. for that we have to take some precaution like we must not make our animals to bath in river and we also do not h...

Science STD 7 ch 17 Forests; our lifeline

Click here for solution of science STD 7 ch 17 forests; our lifeline forests are the life line of the entire man kind and human kind..... forests bring more rain as you get more rain you will not have an crisis of water... so forests are very important to us.... forests give us vegetables, fruits, and the hand hold things to be used in the society, so forests are more superior to the anything... forests take use of carbon dioxide in photo synthesis....... and give us more oxygen to breathe................ forests are the lifeline of animals also.... animals dependent on forests.... forests give them food and everything....... forests are rain bringer they give us wood from which you can make use of to make a good and wealthy life, in the forests stops the dilution of soil and its grow more and more different types of food....... forests are house of animals and humankind and all other living orgasms ............. forests make a soil fertile... trees in it stops rain...

Unit test solution of STD 5 maths dt 15 Feb 2020

Click here for unit test solution of STD 5 maths dt 15 Feb 2020 the government in ncert and gcert take an initiative to take a unit test of standard 3 to 8....  here i have given the paper solution of standard 5 mathematics paper...... in this paper 1st question is good enough that you have to make cube to give the answer of that  questions, i have made it and given here . teachers can use it for free..... for other solutions keep visiting

Science STD 7 ch 16 water; an invaluable source

Click here 4 science solution of STD 7 ch 16 water; an invaluable source .                                            water is a very valuable source for everybody on this earth ........ water is useful for drinking, bathing , cooking, industries.... and everywhere we can not live more time without water.. today water for drinking is very  costly because we can not use the sea water and we cant make sea water drinkable.........                                           water is not just a water the main important thing is pure water...... we must drink a pure water...... in every day routine life some times we throw water which is unused we should try to consume the water... harvesting and water fill are important.... s...

Science STD 7 ch 10 respiration in animates

Click here 4 science solution of STD 7 ch 10 respiration in animates                                                          respiration is a process for which animates can breathe.... we all take oxygen from atmosphere and exhale carbon dioxide to the atmosphere....... animates like human animals and all other creature take a oxygen in the mouth and then goes inside the body give us breath and the carbon dioxide comes out from the body........ on the opposite side of this world  another conducting coil was wound and connected to the galvanometer when electric current is passed through the coil and connected to a battery it acts like a magnet and produce magnetic field lines...... respiration is a useful process and necessary process for animates...... 

Science std 6 CH 16 garbage collection and disposal

Click here 4 science solution of std 6 ch 16 garbage collection and disposal                                                          garbage is a wastage of routine human life... from restaurant, home and hospitals malls any other places theaters schools shops offices produces garbage... so our duty is to make them different and differentiate them from which by further process we can produce energy and electricity.............. from begin of day and morning we listen whistle of garbage collection van..... municipality give us two different types of dustbin in one blue dustbin we have to throw garbage which can be used to throw regular dust and green dustbin to throw bad vegetable and fruits and etc...............

Science std 6 CH 9 animate and around them

Click here 4 science solution of STD 6 CH 9 animate and around them                                                              In this chapter we can learn how to differentiate animates and non animates.... we can also know about animals and trees......god has given different facility to us... and everybody...... for that god has given characteristic like for fish it has a ability to take water diluted oxygen and it can not stay out of water ocean river are their houses.........                                                                          In this era, as above camel also has a special characteristics to run in the dess...

Science STD 6 CH 15 air around us

Click here 4 science solution of STD 6 CH 15 air around us . air around us is a useful chapter for class 6 national council for research and education.... air is transparent air is smell less air is a mixture air occupies space according to all above lines practical for students given in this chapter............................ we can use air from wind mill, blower and drier fan an kids toys.......... air contains 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen and 0.04 % carbon dioxide..... and all other gases in 0.17 %  if the volumes of carbon dioxide increase many problems occur... we should try to increase level of oxygen which is use ful for soul to breathe without oxygen anything cant be burn and anyone cant take breathe........

Science STD 6 CH 14 water

Click here 4 science solution of STD 6 CH 14 water water is a very valuable source on earth.........we can get water from many sources....... as like wells, rivers, ponds, and others..... main source of water is rain so we must occupy and harvest rain water...... rain water is heavy water it does not contains any dust particles its a clean water.... but when it comes on the earth from sky so many dust particles it comes with thus it becomes polluted.............. water contains one molecule of oxygen and two molecule of hydrogen..... it is price less it is smell less  it is precious it is tasteless it is atom save water..... save earth... save earth save humankind........... water is not just  a water its a life....

Science STD 6 CH 13 game with magnet

Click here 4 science solution STD 6 CH 13 game with magnet                                                       magnet had been found from the place known as a magnesia it has a characteristic of magnetism and to pull some thing from some distance...... magnet always stops in north south direction.... many people use compass to find direction which has a needle  magnet..... there are many types of magnet..... bar magnet cylinder magnet ring magnet horse shoe magnet u shape magnet disk magnet                                                      Magnet is a game for children. we can see many girls and boys playing with magnet..... to consume magnet we need to keep certain  things in min...

Science std 8 ch 18 air and water pollution

Click here 4 science solution for STD 8 ch 18 air and water pollution                                         Air pollution is caused by air of vehicle and the mainly air coming out of the factories.... the main cause of air pollution is smoke then dust and other chemicals and particles....... there are many types of pollution as like air , water , light , noise, radiation etc... but the main pollution type is air pollution and water pollution........                                                   water pollution is caused because we make our cattle bath in the river.... some times people also bath in the river wash clothes in the water near the river and some times people wash their car and other vehicles in the river..... some people thr...

Science std 8 ch 17 stars and solar system

Click here 4 science solution std 8 ch 17 stars and solar system                                  Solar system is a combination of the sun and other nine planets. sun mercury venus earth  mars  jupiter saturn uranus  naptune pluto earth is the only planet on which any body can live and survive ...... on the other planets there is a atmosphere which is not suitable to the human and man kind......... but man has reached to the mars he is planning to reach to mars...... and he almost had done it... he reached there but now  he is planing to stay there........ solar system is which on what our earth survives earth also has a planet namely moon............

Science std 8 ch 16 light

Click here 4 Science solution of std 8 ch 16 light                                       Light is a main source of energy when it comes from the sun... but light consumes energy when we use it in our house as a bulb tube light and many other things....... when a particle of the medium oscillates under the effect of two or more than two waves superposing at a given particle the resultant displacement of the particle is equal to the vector some of the independent displacement due to each wave. A white light when it passes through the prism it divides into seven colors that is known as VIBGYOR violet indigo blue green yellow orange red

Unit test solution STD 8 science 8 Feb 2020

Click here 4 science STD 8 unit test solution 8 Feb 2020                      SCIENCE unit test of science was taken for standard 8 on 8 febuary  2020 and the solution  of that exam is given here...... also standard 6 to 8  all had a exam and  a exam for standard 5 also  all the questions were easy and students were very happy after writing the paper best luck for their marks    teachers can view and use it for paper checking

Science STD 7 ch 15 light

Click here 4 Science solutionSTD 7 ch 15 light Here i have given solution of science ch 15 of STD 7 chapter name- light  here all questions given solved....... the main source of light is sun...... sun is a infinite source of energy.......  when light collapse on smooth surface and on rough surface there are two types of reflection according to their surface........ light is used in every field of light....... man has three basic need air, water and food  the forth one is light.........     for more solutions visit DHAMS D MASHOOR

Science STD 8 ch 15 some natural phenomena

Click here 4 STD 8 science ch 15 solution Here science STD 8 ch 15 solution is given....       THERE are some natural calamities like earth quake and volcano,  flood and drought etc....                                           In earth quake plate of earth is disturbed by any how and it happens by earth quake people are disturbed and many people looses their lives if intensity of earth quake is more then after volcano is also a natural calamity in which highly flammable gas comes out of the earth and temperature goes up,........         For other solutions...... kindly visit .......               ❀DHAMS❀                     ❀D❀             ❀MASHOOR❀

Science STD 8 ch 14 chemical effects of current

Click here 4 science STD 8 ch 14 chemical effects of current Here science STD 8 ch 14 solution is given          current is measured by flow of electrons ....... electric circuit often carried positive charged particles....... when there is a flow of electron there is a current....... there are two types of its.. 1. electrical current 2. chemical current                    if current is produced with the use of chemicals there is a chemical effects comes in picture.......  in which solution is taken and it produce electron which flows through the solution and cathodes and anodes are there...... cathode has a negative charge while anode has a positive charge For other solutions...... kindly visit.......               ❀DHAMS❀                     ❀D❀ ...

SAS Incometax self assessment important information

Click here 4 SAS self assessment  Information This file will help u make ur income tax self assessment.... This is not a official file .. when it will come link will be updated.... Make ur income tax self assessment and form 16 by urself      form 16 is an income tax form , for teachers we have to pay income tax with the use of this form for that principal has to give it to their employees but most of the principals do not do it.... so teachers have to pay for that.. but now SAS provides income tax form 16 teachers can produce it themselves.........     we have to show our investments like  insurance lic bond  long fd mediclaim tution fees..... etc............ for more visit

MATHS STD 6 CH 13 symmetry

Click here 4 solution of maths symmetry STD 6 CH 13   Online Colleges A teacher is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.Online Classes Informally the role of teacher may be taken on by anyone (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a specific task). In some countries, teaching young people of school age may be carried out in an informal setting, such as within the family, rather than in a formal setting such as a school or college. Some other professions may involve a significant amount of teaching. situation etc.) and therefore reflects the values of that specific context. Factors that influence what is expected (or required) of teachers include history and tradition, social views about the purpose of education, accepted theories about learning etc Online College Course. Research shows that student motivation and attitudes towards school are closely linked to student-teacher relationships. Enthusiastic teachers are particularly ...

solution of Maths STD 6 CH 9 management of information

Click here 4 solution of maths STD 6 CH 9                                                                               GCERT Solutions:  Here we provides Chapter-wise, detailed solutions to the exercise of the GCERT textbooks are provided with the objective of helping students compare their answers with the sample answers. Solutions for Standard 6, 7, 8 Science includes all the questions provided in GCERT books for 6th, 7th, 8th Standard Science Subject. Here all questions are solved with detailed explanation and available for free check.                                                             management of information sho...

Maths STD 6 CH 8 solution decimal point numbers

Click here for solution of maths STD 6 CH 8                                                                 decimal system . 1   number system  that uses a n each  number  is expressed in base 10 by using one of the first nine 1 to 9 integers or 0 in each place and letting each place value be a power of 10.  2 : a  system  of currency in which the basic units increase by powers of 10.                                                                                                                 ...

Unit test STD 8 English paper solution 1 Feb 2020

Click here 4 STD 8 English solution 1 Feb 2020 Welcome to my blog here I provide all test solution and svapothee solution for maths and science                                                     here solution for standard 8 English paper  unit test which is taken by government of Gujarat  a great initiative taken and every Saturday unit test is taken for upper primary students of standard 5 to standard 8..........                                             on date 1 febuary 2019 in standard 8 English unit test was taken in which questions were very easy and all student were happy with that exam only 2 question was twisted from one chapter....                         ...

Unit test STD 6 maths solution 1 Feb 2020

Click here 4 unit test maths STD 6 solution 1 Feb 2020 Here all the sums of this paper is solved and teachers can use it for free for their evaluation  here solution for standard 6 Mathematics exam unit test which is taken by government of Gujarat  a great initiative taken and every Saturday unit test is taken for upper primary students of standard 5 to standard 8..........                                             on date 1 febuary 2019 in standard 6 Mathematics unit test was taken in which questions were very easy and all student were happy with that exam only 2 question was twisted from one chapter....                                           all teachers can use this key as a reference for free......... For other solutions...... kindly visi...

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